Teams' reports from 2019

Report from the team


At first, our team, 0x2a, came into this tournament feeling that it would only be about completing problems individually. Yet over the course of the three-hour long competition, we saw just how important it was to collaborate with each other. Setting up an array of tables together, with each of us passing our notebooks back and forth to check answers, we felt that this competition encompassed what a true, real-life scenario may be like in the field of science. At the same time, we enjoyed going through the process of solving and checking some of the most difficult problems. Ordering some to-go Chipotle food and cupcakes to keep our energy going, this was certainly a competition to remember from combining hard-work with a hint of fun. Based on our experiences this year (our first time competing!), we will certainly be coming back next year as well!
Report from the team

Underrated af

Report from the team

Catchers in the E&M field

Our team consists of five Vietnamese: two high school students and three students having graduated from high school for one or two years.
In our country, there is only one annual Olympiad for individual students. Therefore, Online Physics Brawl provided us with a totally fresh experience: a chance for us to cooperate in solving a wide range of problems in a relatively short amount of time. Additionally, the questions were challenging, demanding both advanced physics reasoning and rigorous computational abilities.
Although we finished with just one point fewer than the overall winners and missed the reward, we still received invaluable experiences in three hours of effective teamwork. For three graduated participants, this was truly a ‘game’ of entertaining problems; for others, this was a chance to sharpen their skills and knowledge for the upcoming Vietnam Physics Olympiad.
Finally, we would like to express gratitude toward the organizers for creating such an interesting competition. Certainly, we will return next year and spread this competition to enthusiastic physics students in Vietnam.
Our team photo is a screenshot of our Skype conversation. We come from different provinces, so we could not gather offline and had to utilize online communications. However, our passion for physics connected us tightly and fostered extensive collaboration.
Report from the team


It was the third year of the team SCI-TECH's appearance in the Online Physics Brawl. The line up of the team is generally students from juniors and seniors of our school. Considering that all of the members from the first year's team are graduated, it was such an honor to represent our alumni, our school, and our country. Not only Online Physics Brawl is now a tradition for our school, but also competing as a member of SCI-TECH is a legacy of our alumni, which makes us proud. But why are we all eager to participate in this competition?
First, we are studying physics olympiads, and by this competition, we have a chance to compare our performance to other students from all around the world. Secondly, and more importantly, despite the fact that most of the olympiad competitions are individual, Online Physics Brawl is a team-oriented competition. It instills working as a well-coordinated team. Moreover, the contest's dynamic structure and the sense of competing are an entertaining aspect that helps differ Online Physics Brawl from its similars since you can see the scores of the other teams in real-time.
All in all, Online Physics Brawl is a very different contest and it means a lot for SCI-TECH. For this unique experience, we appreciate the whole organization team and hope to see similar events organized in the future.